I'm writing a program using Vulkan and GLM in C++ on the Visual Studio 2022 IDE.
GLM produces 109 warnings. Each one looks like this:
Warning C26495 Variable 'glm::tvec4<unsigned char,0>::<unnamed-tag>::<unnamed-tag>::t' is uninitialized. Always initialize a member variable (type.6).
I'm not interested in solving these warnings because I don't want to change glm or other external dependencies. For reasons of clarity, however, I do not want to display these in the list of warnings. All other warnings should be displayed.
If the warning comes from a header, you can maybe do
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 26495 )
#include "header"
#pragma warning( pop )
This will save (push
) the current warning settings, then disable the specific error (26495
). After including the header file, it will then reset the warnings back to what they were before (pop
) from when they were saved. Effectively, this disabled the warning throughout the header file.
You can also do this around blocks of code, not just includes.
If it's from a specific line of your code, you can do
#pragma warning( suppress : 26495 )
is a way to disable a warning for only the next line of code.
If the header file you're including is in another separate folder, you can disable all warnings for files in a folder. I can't remember how to do this off the top of my head, but I've done it before for Qt files.