
Optimize "diff" movement over spatial grid

I'm trying to find an efficient way to update a spatial grid which contains information about which object is on which grid cell. The objects move. For example:


The object A occupies 9 cells in the grid. Now it moves down and to the right one position:


The "brute force" approach would remove object A from all cells and then it would add A to the new cells. This however is very inefficient because 4 of the cells involved already contain A. What I would like to do instead is only to operate on the "diff":


This is, adding "A" to the cells with a + and remove it from the cells with a -. Leaving the rest as they are.

A can be considered to be defined by its left,right,top and bottom coordinates:

The movement can occur in any direction, not just always left and bottom. The object can change in size as it moves, so the "After" could become bigger or smaller than the "Before". "Before" and "After" don't always overlap, the objects can "teleport" around.

I would like to avoid even iterating over cells that are not part of the diff, it at all possible.

I'm implementing this in Lua, but I would appreciate an efficient algorithm in any language that I can translate.


  • I think I got it. Back to this image:


    The - and the + in the figure above both are "uppercase L" shapes. Depending on how the rectangles intersect the updated areas can take many "shapes". Most of them are rectangles. The Ls can take 4 "orientations" (⌜,⌝,⌞,⌟). Some Ls will have thick or thin "necks" and "bases". Optimally though, all you need to draw any uppercase L shape is two rectangles.

    If one of the rectangles is bigger than the other ones, there can be some "C" shapes or even an "O" shape (one rectangle fully contains the other, which is smaller). So in the worst possible case we need 2 to "update" 4 rectangles.

    Getting those rectangles calculated is tricky. I did ask ChatGPT, which put me on the right track, although I did have to massage and test the code quite a lot. Here's the result:

      -- "old" and "new" are intersecting
      if l1<=r2 and l2<=r1 and t1<=b2 and t2<=r2 then
        if l1<l2 then removecells(l1,t1,l2-1,b1) end
        if r1>r2 then removecells(r2+1,t1,r1,b1) end
        if t1<t2 then removecells(max(l1,l2),t1,min(r1,r2),t2-1) end
        if b1>b2 then removecells(max(l1,l2),b1,min(r1,r2),b2+1) end
        if l2<l1 then addcells(l2,t2,l1-1,b2) end
        if r2>r1 then addcells(r1+1,t2,r2,b2) end
        if t2<t1 then addcells(max(l1,l2),t2,min(r1,r2),t1-1) end
        if b2>b1 then addcells(max(l1,l2),b1+1,min(r1,r2),b2) end
      -- "old" and "new" are not intersecting. Apply the "brute force"
      -- option unless they are exactly the same, in which case we don't need
      -- to do any updates
      elseif l1~=l2 or r1~=r2 or t1~=t2 or b1~=b2 then

    From outside-in: