The upload fails, and I receive an error: "Request Entity Too Large." How can I resolve this issue?

I created One application, When I try to upload more then 30 MB of images, I am unable to save them to the network drive. I will Save them into network drive only when user click on the submit button. But right now, The upload fails, and I receive an error: "Request Entity Too Large." How can I resolve this issue? enter image description here

My code

private async Task HandleImageSelection(InputFileChangeEventArgs e)

{ selectedImages.Clear();

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedFolder))
    Snackbar.Add("Please select a folder first.", Severity.Warning);

// Set the constraints
const int maxImagesAllowed = 20; // Maximum number of images
const long maxTotalSize = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // 100 MB (Total)
const long maxAllowedSize = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // 100 MB per file (not needed, since total size is already 100 MB)

var selectedFiles = e.GetMultipleFiles(maxImagesAllowed); // Limit to 20 images

long totalSize = selectedFiles.Sum(file => file.Size);

// Check if the total size exceeds the limit
if (totalSize > maxTotalSize)
    Snackbar.Add($"The total size of selected images exceeds the limit of 100 MB. Current size: {Math.Round((double)totalSize / (1024 * 1024), 2)} MB.", Severity.Error);

foreach (var file in selectedFiles)
    // Check if the file is an image
    if (!file.ContentType.StartsWith("image/"))
        Snackbar.Add($"File '{file.Name}' is not a valid image. Please select only image files.", Severity.Warning);

        using var stream = file.OpenReadStream(maxAllowedSize);
        var buffer = new byte[file.Size];
        await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, (int)file.Size);

        var base64Data = Convert.ToBase64String(buffer);

        // Add to the list of selected images
        selectedImages.Add(new ImagePreview
                PreviewUrl = $"data:{file.ContentType};base64,{base64Data}",
                File = file,
                Base64Data = base64Data
    catch (Exception ex)
        Snackbar.Add($"Error loading file '{file.Name}': {ex.Message}", Severity.Error);

SelectedFiles = selectedFiles
    .Where(file => file.ContentType.StartsWith("image/"))

StatusMessage = $"{SelectedFiles.Count} valid image file(s) selected. Total size: {Math.Round((double)totalSize / (1024 * 1024), 2)} MB.";

} upload Image code:

    private async Task UploadFiles(string combinedFolderPath)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(combinedFolderPath))
            Snackbar.Add("Please select a folder!", Severity.Warning);

        if (SelectedFiles == null || !SelectedFiles.Any())
            Snackbar.Add("No files selected!", Severity.Warning);

        // Check file size limits
        foreach (var file in SelectedFiles)
            if (file.Size > MaxFileSize)
                Snackbar.Add($"File {file.Name} exceeds the size limit of 100 MB.", Severity.Warning);

            using var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();
            content.Add(new StringContent(combinedFolderPath), "folderPath");

            foreach (var file in SelectedFiles)
                var streamContent = new StreamContent(file.OpenReadStream(MaxFileSize));
                content.Add(streamContent, "files", file.Name);

            var response = await HttpClient.PostAsync(ApiConstants.UploadImage, content);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                var filePaths = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<string>>(responseContent);

                for (int i = 0; i < selectedImages.Count; i++)
                    selectedImages[i].FilePath = filePaths[i];

                // Snackbar.Add("Images uploaded successfully!", Severity.Success);
                Snackbar.Add($"Error: {response.ReasonPhrase}", Severity.Error);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Snackbar.Add($"Upload failed: {ex.Message}", Severity.Error);
    submit code: `   private async Task SubmitForm()
       if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(maagimage.ProjectKent))
           Snackbar.Add("Please enter a valid project name.", Severity.Error);

       if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectedFolder))
           Snackbar.Add("Please select a folder location.", Severity.Warning);

       // Upload images first
       // await UploadFiles();

       // Create project folder in the selected location
       await CreateProjectFolder();

       var userData = await localStorage.GetItemAsync<UserPagesAndRouter>("UserData");

       currentUsername = userData?.UserName;

       if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maagimage.ProjectKent) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(maagimage.Department))
           Snackbar.Add("Please fill in all the required fields.", Severity.Error);

       if (selectedImages.Count == 0)
           Snackbar.Add("No images selected for submission.", Severity.Warning);

       // Prepare the form data to send to the API
       var formData = new MaagAmericansImage
               Location = maagimage.Location,
               Department = maagimage.Department,
               Username = currentUsername,  // Set the current user, or pass as needed
               Date = DateTime.Now,        // Set the current date
               ProjectKent = maagimage.ProjectKent,
               Images = selectedImages.Select(img => new Imagedata
                   ImageFilePath = img.FilePath  // Use the saved file path

           var response = await HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(ApiConstants.AddimageDetails, formData);

           if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
               // Snackbar.Add("Your Photos have been Uploaded Successfully!", Severity.Success);
               // Show success dialog instead of Snackbar
               var dialog = DialogService.Show<SuccessDialog>("", new DialogParameters { { "Message", "Your Photos have been Uploaded Successfully!" } });
               var result = await dialog.Result;

               // Additional logic after dialog closes (if needed)
               var errorMessage = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

               if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest && errorMessage.Contains("The ImageFilePath field is required."))
                   //Snackbar.Add("Project Folder is not match with the selected folder.", Severity.Error);
                   Snackbar.Add($"Submission failed: {errorMessage}", Severity.Error);
       catch (Exception ex)
           Snackbar.Add($"Error: {ex.Message}", Severity.Error);


  • According to your description and codes, it seems the error is thrown at this line Snackbar.Add($"Error: {response.ReasonPhrase}", Severity.Error); and when you send the request to the web api.

    I suggest you could modify your web api project to allow the big request body.

    More details, you could refer to below codes:

    1.Set the request body limit inside the program.cs:

    var app = builder.Build();
    builder.Services.Configure<FormOptions>(options => {
        options.MultipartBodyLengthLimit = int.MaxValue;

    2.Disable the request size limit

        public IActionResult Uploadimage(IFormFile formFile) {
            return Ok();