I have got a React app which uses Redux and Firebase. Everything loads ok in every desktop and mobile browser except Facebook's in app browser in IOS. When I open it through my phone their browser fires and gets the title,but shows the blank page.In android and every other browser it working perfectly but in Facebook in-app browser in IOS creates issue.
I have tried to add meta tags, If i render simple html then it is rendered. I have generated the app with create-react-app.
If someone have any suggestions, that would be helpful!
I discovered that Firebase configuration and the service worker have limitations in in-app browsers. To address this, I wrapped the Firebase app initialization in a try-catch block.
let firebaseApp;
let messaging;
try {
firebaseApp = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
messaging = getMessaging(firebaseApp);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Failed to initialize Firebase Messaging", err);