
Cursor - open SSH remote folder from CLI

Is there an option to the cursor CLI (terminal) command so that a folder on remote server is opened via Remote-SSH?

This does not work:

cursor ssh://host/path


  • It works the same way as in VS Code: VSCode - open remote from cli

    cursor --remote ssh-remote+<remoteHost> <remotePath>

    For example:

    cursor --remote ssh-remote+dev.example.com /home/john/code/project

    You can specify an username:

    cursor --remote ssh-remote+john@dev.example.com /home/john/code/project

    The --file-uri and --folder-uri options work too:

    cursor --folder-uri vscode-remote://ssh-remote+<remoteHost>/<remotePath>
    # Example:
    cursor --folder-uri vscode-remote://ssh-remote+john@dev.example.com/home/john/code/project