
Using Perl Regex, how can I capture the position of the hyphens in a hyphenated word?

I'm trying to capture the position of all of the hyphens in a hyphenated word, so that I can load a hash with the position of those hyphens (in the text, not the word). At the moment, I'm trying a capture group inside of a non-capture group... but it's only capturing the last hyphen.

my $word           = shift (@_);
my $word_start_pos = shift (@_);
my $text           = shift (@_);

my $dash_pos  = 0;
my $exp       = 0;
my $pos       = 0;
my $test_char = '';
if ($word =~ /^(?:[\p{L&}0-9\.\'\/]{1,}([\-])){7,}[\p{L&}0-9\.\'\/]{1,}$/) {
   foreach $exp (1..$#-) {
      $pos = $-[$exp];
      $dash_pos = $word_start_pos + $pos;
      $test_char = substr($text, $dash_pos, 1);
      if ($test_char =~ /^[\-]$/) {
         &load_changes('-', $dash_pos, 'Dash', ' ', 'Replace');


  • push @pos, $-[0] while /-/g;


    $ perl -Mv5.14 -ne'my @pos; push @pos, $-[0] while /-/g; say "@pos";'
    3 6
    0 1 2 3 4

    In context, you could replace

    foreach $exp (1..$#-) {
       $pos = $-[$exp];


    while ( $word =~ /-/g ) {
       my $pos = $-[0];