I've got some simple inheritance in SuperCollider.
But the order of execution seems wrong??
MooRoot : MooPlayer {
var <api, <moo;
*new { |moo, name|
"MooRoot new %".format(name).postln;
^super.new.init(moo, name);
init {|imoo, name|
"MooRoot init %".format(name).postln;
MooPlayer {
var contents, ownedObjects, <>user, <me, <permissions;
*new {
init {
When I call MooRoot(1, "Jessie");
, the output looks like:
MooRoot new Jessie
MooRoot init nil
MooRoot init Jessie
-> a MooRoot
It invokes the init method twice, once with nil arguments. This seems wildly wrong, but I can't see what mistake I've made. How can I force it to only call init one time with the correct arguments?
This turns out to be directly addressed in the help documentation: https://doc.sccode.org/Guides/WritingClasses.html#Instances
The answer is to not keep using the init method name, but to have a different name for every subclass.