I have multiple organizations and hundreds of projects in it. When I turn on the GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) at organization level, it is only ON for the future projects and repos. It will be practically impossible to turn it ON for all the projects and for each repo manually. I can run a cade to extract all the repost from all the project from all the organization. Is there a code that can turn it ON with the help of PowerShell/CLI/Rest-API.
Within an Azure DevOps organization, if you want to enable GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) for all projects and all repositories, you first need to ensure the option "Automatically enable Advanced Security for new projects
" is enabled on Organization Settings so that the GHAS feature can be automatically enabled for all the future new projects.
Then you can try with the following ways:
Manually enable from Organization Settings on the web UI.
If it does not work via manual from web UI, you can try with the related Azure DevOps REST API.
Automatically enable Advanced Security for new repositories
" in the project, and enable the GHAS feature for all existing repositories within the project.To call these API, you need the following permissions:
The Personal Access Token (PAT) should have the following scopes at least.
The user account/identity of the PAT should be a member of the Project Collection Administrators group (PCA) in the Azure DevOps organization. The PCA users can access all projects and manage the settings of GHAS within the organization.
Below is a sample of the PowerShell script to call the related REST API. You can refer to it.
$organization = "xxxx"
$pat = "xxxx"
$base64Token = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f "", $pat)))
$headers = @{
Authorization = "Basic $base64Token"
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
# List projects of the specified Azure DevOps organization.
$uri_list_projects = "https://dev.azure.com/${organization}/_apis/projects?api-version=7.1"
$projects = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri_list_projects -Headers $headers).value | Select-Object -Property id, name
foreach ($project in $projects)
$projectName = $project.name
Write-Host "Enabling GitHub Advanced Security for project ($projectName)..."
$uri_update_project_ghas = "https://advsec.dev.azure.com/${organization}/${projectName}/_apis/management/enablement?api-version=7.2-preview.1"
# advSecEnabled: Indicates whether to enable GitHub Advanced Security for all existing repositories within the project.
# blockPushes: Indicates whether to block pushes containing secrets within the project.
# enableOnCreate: Indicates whether to enable the option "Automatically enable Advanced Security for new repositories" within the project.
$body_update_project_ghas = @{
advSecEnabled = $true
blockPushes = $true
enableOnCreate = $true
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -Uri $uri_update_project_ghas -Headers $headers -Body $body_update_project_ghas