
How can I use Bicep to create an Azure DNS alias record?

We use Bicep to manage our DNS records.

I have recently set up an Azure Front Door profile with custom domains, which is working fine. One of the custom domains is an apex domain, so the Azure portal creates a DNS A record which points to the Azure resource: i.e. the Front Door profile/endpoint.

The portal provides a nice UI to manage this. Because we manage our DNS using Bicep, we need to add this A record definition to our Bicep file to avoid accidentally reverting it in future deployments.

I can find no documentation on how to do this. I have tried something like this:

resource aliasRecord 'Microsoft.Network/dnsZones/A@2018-05-01' = {
  parent: dnsZone
  name: '@'
  properties: {
    TTL: 3600
    targetResource: {
      id: '/subscriptions/{guid}/resourcegroups/{rgName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/frontdoors/{profileName}/frontendendpoints/{endpointName}'

I get a "Reference records are not supported for resource" error. I can't find any guidance on how to reference the Front Door endpoint here.


  • After a day, I asked this same question on MS Q&A. The helpful answer was to:

    I did this and it revealed the errors in my target resource id, which should have been:


    Once I tried it with this syntax it worked fine.

    A useful approach when you can't find any documentation! See also:
