I want to prevent concurrent builds for certain branches, so I have this in my scripted Jenkinsfile
, and it works. So when BRANCH_NAME
is a production branch, I allow concurrent builds, else not via the disableConcurrentBuilds()
option. How can I convert this into declarative pipeline syntax?
@Library('shared-library') _
// For production, we want to be able to build concurrently
if (env.BRANCH_NAME.equals(env.PROD_BRANCH)) {
[$class: "jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty", strategy: [$class: "LogRotator", numToKeepStr: "50", artifactNumToKeepStr: "20"]],
editableChoice(name: "BUILD_NODE", choices: ["linux-ubuntu", "ec2-fleet-0"], description: "Build node to use"),
choiceParam(name: "AWS_REGION", choices: ["us-east-1", "eu-north-1"], description: "AWS region to build at"),
booleanParam(name: "CONFIRM", defaultValue: true, description: "Actually do the build?"),
choiceParam(name: "DEBUG_LEVEL", choices: ["0", "1", "2", "3"], description: "Debugger verbosity.")
else {
[$class: "jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty", strategy: [$class: "LogRotator", numToKeepStr: "50", artifactNumToKeepStr: "20"]],
editableChoice(name: "BUILD_NODE", choices: ["linux-ubuntu", "ec2-fleet-0"], description: "Build node to use"),
choiceParam(name: "AWS_REGION", choices: ["us-east-1", "eu-north-1"], description: "AWS region to build at"),
booleanParam(name: "CONFIRM", defaultValue: true, description: "Actually do the build?"),
choiceParam(name: "DEBUG_LEVEL", choices: ["0", "1", "2", "3"], description: "Debugger verbosity.")
node("linux-node") {
stage("Do build") {
// do something
The asker has confirmed in the comments that the awkward implementation in declarative DSL is fine due to shared libraries mitigating DRY issues. Therefore we would use a combination of the when
(conditionals) and options
(settings) directives. However, the when
directive is only allowed at the stage
scope, and the options
directive is almost completely exclusive to the pipeline
root scope. The exceptions are described in the documentation:
The options directive for a stage is similar to the options directive at the root of the Pipeline. However, the stage-level options can only contain steps like retry, timeout, or timestamps, or Declarative options that are relevant to a stage, like skipDefaultCheckout.
and therefore as of the date of the current revision of this answer the desired functionality is impossible in the Jenkins Pipeline declarative DSL. If the disableConcurrentBuilds()
pipeline method were to be allowed at the stage
scope, then the following code illustrates how the desired functionality would be accomplished.
stage('Production') {
when {
environment name: 'BRANCH_NAME', value: env.PROD_BRANCH
stage('Non-Production') {
when {
not {
environment name: 'BRANCH_NAME', value: env.PROD_BRANCH
beforeOptions true
options { disableConcurrentBuilds() }
There is more information in the documentation for when
and documentation for option
. Note that you can use the branch
parameter if this is a multibranch pipeline, but that was not specified in the question.
For multibranch pipeline the when
block syntax is slightly easier:
when { branch env.PROD_BRANCH }
when {
not {
branch env.PROD_BRANCH
beforeOptions true