Im working with ant-design-chart for react, and I have problem changing any font color in the chart and I havent found any documentation to find all the options I can use for the chart config. I need to change legend and bottom label font colors of the chart that is in the picture. this is my config
"stack": true,
"legend": {
"style": {
"fill": "red"
"color": {
"title": true,
"rowPadding": 10,
"fill": "red"
"itemMarginBottom": 60,
"display": true,
"padding": [
"itemSpacing": 20
"style": {
"padding": 10
"layout": {
"padding": 20
"interaction": {
"tooltip": {
"shared": true
"data": [
"xField": "Date",
"yField": "Count",
"colorField": "StackedBy"
thank you
I have tried to find it on stack overflow and use AI to help but none of the solutions worked sadly
(Ant Design Chart v2.0.0) You can find the axis label config here, legend config here
const config = {
legend: {
color: {
itemLabelFill: 'red'
// ...
axis: {
x: {
labelFill: 'red'