
How do you change legend and chart bar label colors in Ant Design Chart Design?

enter image description here

Im working with ant-design-chart for react, and I have problem changing any font color in the chart and I havent found any documentation to find all the options I can use for the chart config. I need to change legend and bottom label font colors of the chart that is in the picture. this is my config

    "stack": true,
    "legend": {
        "style": {
            "fill": "red"
        "color": {
            "title": true,
            "rowPadding": 10,
            "fill": "red"
        "itemMarginBottom": 60,
        "display": true,
        "padding": [
        "itemSpacing": 20
    "style": {
        "padding": 10
    "layout": {
        "padding": 20
    "interaction": {
        "tooltip": {
            "shared": true
    "data": [
    "xField": "Date",
    "yField": "Count",
    "colorField": "StackedBy"

thank you

I have tried to find it on stack overflow and use AI to help but none of the solutions worked sadly


  • (Ant Design Chart v2.0.0) You can find the axis label config here, legend config here

    const config = {
       legend: {
          color: {
            itemLabelFill: 'red'
        // ...
        axis: {
          x: {
            labelFill: 'red'

    enter image description here