
How to add MathJax macros in a Quarto Revealjs presentation?

I am trying to define a new operator in Quarto presentation (revealjs), but I either fail or it adds a white empty slide. Here are two examples:


This code fails in the sense that \N is not understood and litteraly written.

title: "Test title"
date: today
author: Test author
date-format: iso
keep-tex: true
  revealjs: default

::: {.content-hidden}




## First slide

\test = \N(\phi)

Works but add a white slide

This time \N is written because the math operator is declared in the html (see after qmd block code for the html output)

title: "Test title"
date: today
author: Test author
date-format: iso
keep-tex: true
  revealjs: default

::: {.hidden}




## First slide

\test = \N(\phi)

Opening the html output file, I found:

<section class="slide level2">

<div class="hidden">
<p><span class="math display">\[

So, how to add latex macros in quarto revealjs? I also tried to hide the slide itself rather than the content, as shown in this post, but it did not work out.


  • This is because if you put anything before the first header, it will be regarded as content which has to be put on a slide. The solution is that you define things afterwards:

    title: "Test title"
    date: today
    author: Test author
    date-format: iso
    keep-tex: true
      revealjs: default
    ## First slide
    ::: {.hidden}
    \test = \N(\phi)