I want to migrate from a team-managed project to a company-managed project.
Since unfortunately you cannot change the project type, my plan is to create a new company-managed project and then move all the issues from the old project to the new project. Let's assume the project keys are OLD and NEW, respectively.
From what I understand from tutorials I have watched - and I have confirmed this in a test - the number of the issue key will not necessarily be the same, which, again, is very unfortunate.
Let's assume that's what has happened, and OLD-999 has been moved to NEW-1001.
My question now is: what happens to links to OLD-999?
I noticed that team-managed projects have a field called "Previous project keys" in the project settings, which company-managed project do not have.
So what happens to an old link pointing to OLD-999? Will it:
(a) simply not work any more and show an error?
(b) point to NEW-999 (incorrect)
(c) point to NEW-1001 (correct)
It's (c).
I can confirm that forwarding to the new project does indeed work as one would hope. The id change is even properly documented in the issue's change history.
I'm keeping the old project alive for now. I'm not sure what will happen if I delete the OLD project and rename NEW to OLD. I expect that it will work, but I won't risk havoc to find out.
As a side note, I posted this on Reddit and got an answer within a few minutes, while there's dead silence here on SO for weeks. Sad 😢