
Base64 encoding in SQL Server 2005 T-SQL

I'd like to write a T-SQL query where I encode a string as a Base64 string. Surprisingly, I can't find any native T-SQL functions for doing Base64 encoding. Does a native function exist? If not, what's the best way to do Base64 encoding in T-SQL?


  • I know this has already been answered, but I just spent more time than I care to admit coming up with single-line SQL statements to accomplish this, so I'll share them here in case anyone else needs to do the same:

    -- Encode the string "TestData" in Base64 to get "VGVzdERhdGE="
        CAST(N'' AS XML).value(
            , 'VARCHAR(MAX)'
        )   Base64Encoding
    FROM (
        SELECT CAST('TestData' AS VARBINARY(MAX)) AS bin
    ) AS bin_sql_server_temp;
    -- Decode the Base64-encoded string "VGVzdERhdGE=" to get back "TestData"
            CAST(N'' AS XML).value(
              , 'VARBINARY(MAX)'
            AS VARCHAR(MAX)
        )   ASCIIEncoding

    I had to use a subquery-generated table in the first (encoding) query because I couldn't find any way to convert the original value ("TestData") to its hex string representation ("5465737444617461") to include as the argument to xs:hexBinary() in the XQuery statement.