
using xslt functoid

I have input like


I am putting the value of all DTP in SQL Table. Along with DTP I have one id element in the destination schema where I have to put the sequence number of HD.

So it will output like this:

1    DTP1 DTP2 DTP3

1     DTP1 DTP2 DTP3

2    DTP1 DTP2 DTP3

2    DTP1 DTP2 DTP3

I am using XSLT functoid inline xslt call template.

Inside that I am using

    <xsl:for-each select="TS834_2300_Loop/HD_HealthCoverage">
        <xsl:number value="position()" format="1. "/>

code with no input and one output to the Id

But its giving error transform fail.

So what change do I need to do get the appropriate id?


  • Try connecting your <HD> source node to an Iteration functoid.

    To flatten your values under <DTP> you will need the Table Looping functoid.

    I don't have my BizTalk dev machine ready right now to build a complete prototype but this should give yo a starting point.