In my instance, I have Glassfish 3.1.1 / Mojarra 2.1.3
I could remove the X-Powered-By in Glassfish Admin Console in the Network listener (so it doesn't show the long text:
Servlet/3.0 JSP/2.2 (GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.1 Java/Sun Microsystems Inc./1.6)
but it still shows (yes, twice):
X-Powered-By: JSF/2.0
X-Powered-By: JSF/2.0
I am using Jersey and JAXB to expose some web-services and have some servlets deployed using the @WebServlet Annotation but I don't think they add anything.
It is not generated by mod_jk or Apache because I get those headers even when connecting to the application port directly (localhost:8080)
Is there typical modules that would do that in Glassfish? How can I remove these headers?
Thank you
It's been set by Mojarra. You can disable it by setting the context parameter com.sun.faces.sendPoweredByHeader
to false
in webapp's web.xml
However, that it sends the value twice is a mystery to me. This is not the default behaviour and technically impossible (as it would indicate the ExternalContextImpl
being constructed twice on the same response). Perhaps mod_jk
is doing something wrong.