
How to get the git SHA1 value in the Implementation-Version field in the manifest for a Maven project?

We use git and maven and logback.

This mean that the stack traces in the log show the Implementation-Version of the jar containing each line in the stack trace (see for an example).

So if we can package the SHA1 of the current build into that field in the manifest of the artifact being built, it is very easy to locate the exact source from git that generated the artifact containing that individual line in the source.

According to the way to do this is to have a <key>value</key> line in the maven-jar-plugin part of the pom. This would in my case mean


which results in

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:2.3:jar (default-jar) on project axsFTP: Unable to parse configuration of mojo org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:2.3:ja
r for parameter manifest: Cannot find setter, adder nor field in org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration for 'implementationVersion' -> [Help 1]

Given that I can get the SHA1 from how do I get this correctly set in the MANIFEST.MF file?


  • Check that the <Implementation-Version> is inside a <manifestEntries> element, and not a <manifest> element.

