
WebGL Normals and Indices / Directional lighting / X3D / Blender

I have put a question up in html as I think it helps to have images to ask the question. http://www.jamestrusler.co.uk/files/webglquestion/question1.html

Here is the covering question that can be seen within the html page too:

  1. Can you rotate/scale normals without Rotating/Scaling the vertices (Which have already had translations made) - as this may be the answer to one problem.
  2. Any ideas as to why the normals, indices and vertices that are given to me by Blender (x3d export) do not seem to be rendering multicoloured objects properly. (please refer to site question)


  • I fixed the problem with this:

    obj[a].Transform.Group.Shape[b].vertexIndexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, obj[a].vertexIndexBuffer);