
Rapid Application Developer 8.0.1: Unable to store working set state

Since short time this message comes up in RAD in irregular intervals:

Unable to store working set state. C:\ws8\ws-mav-posflv.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.ui.workbench\workingsets.xml (Der Vorgang ist bei einer Datei mit einem geöffneten Bereich, der einem Benutzer zugeordnet ist, nicht anwendbar.)

There was a message on IBM site for this problem that this problem is fixed with RAD 7.5.5 and a workaround: IBM Site

The workaround (give rights to everyone for the workingsets.xml) doesnt work.

Does anyone know a solution for this?


  • I have the same problem, on my system it was my anti-virus (Windows crap) who denied access to the file. Resolved by putting the .metadata folder in ignore.
    Hope this helps, I know it's really annoying!