I want to print a text on a cylinder. The result should look like a can of coca cola.
I tried it similar to an example in the mathematica documentation: http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/Texture.html > Scope > Texture Specification > Text Example
text = Style["Coca Cola", 128];
Red, Cylinder[{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, h}}, radius[h], VertexTextureCoordinates -> {...}],
But the Cylinder doesn't recognize the VertexTextureCoordinates-option. What am I doing wrong?
You are doing nothing wrong, it just does not work with built-in primitives afaik. But you can surely write your own Cylinder
function which is build from polygons where you can apply any texture you like:
text = Style["Cook a Cola", 128, White, Background -> Red];
Red, EdgeForm[],
With[{dphi = Pi/35},
Polygon[{{Cos[phi], Sin[phi], 0}, {Cos[phi + dphi],
Sin[phi + dphi], 0}, {Cos[phi + dphi], Sin[phi + dphi],
1}, {Cos[phi], Sin[phi], 1}},
VertexTextureCoordinates -> {{phi/Pi, 0}, {(phi + dphi)/Pi,
0}, {(phi + dphi)/Pi, 1}
, {phi/Pi, 1}}],
{phi, 0, 2 Pi - dphi, dphi}