
TeamCity Windows Tray Notifier stuck on "logged in"

When I run the Windows Tray Notifier on my Windows 8 virtual machine, it remains stuck on a "logged in" message if I hover over the icon of the program in the system tray, and I can't do anything else other than force the shutdown with the Task Manager. I set the correct address where my TeamCity test server is running but it seems unable to connect to. Any help is appreciated.


  • Fixed it via the following steps:

    Very strange! Above workaround would only work if you had access to a second server too.

    EDIT: Two further workarounds have been posted on the thread I started on the Jetbrains forum, so I'll repost them here for the benefit of others.

    Solution 1:

    Solution 2:

    Open IE, select Internet Options, Security Tab, add the TeamCity server address to the trusted list.

    Please note, I haven't personally tested either of these methods, just posting them here for information since others have found them to work. Hope this helps!

    Since upgrading the server to 7.1.1 this issue hasn't reoccurred for me. Looks like it's been fixed as per Eugene's comment elsewhere on this thread.