
Tortoise SVN 1.6 externals single file

I have a scenario where i want to get documentation files from Documentation folder in SVN, and the pdf version only. Current the documentation folder has .doc and .pdf files

The target folder is Portal/Docs

I setup a svn:externals property on Portal/docs to svn:externals /svn/codebase/Documentation/Release Notes.pdf

on current checkout directory of /svn/codebase/Portal/Docs C:\Portal\Docs

I receive an error saying 'http://codebase/Documentation/Release' at revision X doesn't exist

I have tried %20, "", + and ? but does not work...

Any suggestions?


  • You should use the file:// protocol to access the external, which will allow you to use %20:

    svn:externals file:///svn/codebase/Documentation/Release%20Notes.pdf "Release Notes.pdf"

    You can also use a repository-absolute path:

    svn:externals ^/Documentation/Release%20Notes.pdf "Release Notes.pdf"

    assuming that your repository is in /svn/codebase.

    Incidentally, you should always use version-pinning for your externals (appending @<revision-number> to the external URL), as file/folder properties are versioned. Version pinning guarantees that an older checkout of your source tree gives you the externals as they appeared at the time, rather than the newest copy of the externals.