
Collapsing nested borderlayout panel in anchorlayout panel in Ext.Viewport

I have a viewport with code

Ext.define('WIMM.view.Viewport', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
autoScroll: true,
layout: 'anchor',
items: [
        border: false,
        title: 'Header',
        layout: 'fit',
        xtype: 'container',
        html: 'Header block. We\'ll try to do this again'
        layout: 'border',
        items: [
                collapsible: true,
                width: 240,
                title: 'Aside Column',
                layout: 'fit',
                html: 'Aside widgets (news, balance, budget, goals) would be here.'
                title: 'Main Block',
                border: false,
                layout: 'fit',
                html: 'Main block were tabPanel would be nested in.'
        title: 'footer',
        xtype: 'container',
        layout: 'fit',
        html: 'Some information in footer (copyrights, disclaimer link)'

But item with border layout shrinks and only 1px border of that block is visible. It's important for me to have scrollBar, so I can't use border layout for entire viewport.


  • You have to set the height of the panel with the border layout.

        layout: 'border',
        height: 100,
        items: [
            collapsible: true,
            width: 240,
            title: 'Aside Column',
            region: 'west',
            layout: 'fit',
            html: 'Aside widgets (news, balance, budget, goals) would be here.'},
            title: 'Main Block',
            border: false,
            region: 'center',
            layout: 'fit',
            html: 'Main block were tabPanel would be nested in.'}

    Look at this: http://jsfiddle.net/3CabN/4/