
EXTJS accessing component Layers of Event

I found that if a component 1 contain component 2 and in component 2 contain component 3 controller -> panel 1 -> panel 2 -> combobox

in combobox once data load I fire load event . in order to get that load event from controller I write

        load: function(combo) {


is there away i can pass the load even from CBO to panel2 to then to panel1


    1. Combobox does not come with load event. combobox.getStore() does. For the ease of this answer, I take it that you are firing the load event from the store to the combobox. If you dont, the simpliest way might be to use onStoreLoad ( store, records, success ) from combobox.

    There are several ways of answering your question. 1, 2 and 3 are different approaches.

    1. correct writing
        xtype: 'component',
        items: [{
            xtype: 'component',
            items: [{
                xtype    : 'combobox',
                reference: 'my_cb',
                label    : 'myLabel',
                listeners: {
                    load: function(cb) {
                        // do your stuff
    1. In Component
        initialize: function() {  //or initComponent classic
            const me    = this,
                  cb    = me.lookup('my_cb'),
                  altCb = me.down('combobox[label=myLabel]');
                load: function(combo) {
                    // do your stuff
            // pass to component
            me.mon(cb, 'load', [fn], [scope], [options] );
    1. Use ViewController
        // ParentView.js
        Ext.define('ParentView', {
            extend: 'Ext.Component',
            xtype: 'parent-view',
            controller: 'parent-view',
            items: [{
                xtype: 'component',
                items: [{
                    xtype    : 'combobox',
                    listeners: {
                        load: 'onCBLoad'
        // ParentViewController.js
        Ext.define('ParentViewController', {
            extend: 'Ext.app.ViewController',
            alias: 'controller.parent-view',
            onCBLoad: function(cb) {
                // do your stuff here
