I am trying to download ExtJS 5 source javascript file(s) i.e something similar to what we had in Ext JS 4.2 (ext-all-debug-w-comments.js). I am sorry if the questions is irrelavant for stackoverflow or if it's too naive. I could only find the latest version download i.e 6.x.x, but not past major versions. I am wondering if the past versions no more available as non-commercial?
Note: I am trying to download a Windows version.
Thank you for the help in advance.
The question is not a duplicate as far as I see it. Moreover, the tagged duplicate question provides an external (non Sencha) link to Extjs 4 ... not Extjs 5.
Based on the current last GPL version url (https://cdn.sencha.com/ext/gpl/ext-6.2.0-gpl.zip), changing the version from the url to 5.1.0 seems to work, resulting in the corresponding url: https://cdn.sencha.com/ext/gpl/ext-5.1.0-gpl.zip.