The sencha compile page
command concatenates any javascript files needed by an HTML page then writes the result to a single file called "all-classes.js". I would like to replace this file name with custom ones :
sencha compile
page -name=page1 -in Page1.php -out build/Page1.php and
page -name=page2 -in Page2.php -out build/Page2.php and
restore page1 and
concat -yui build/Page1.js and
restore page2 and
concat -yui build/Page2.js
I have found a simple solution as an option provided by the sencha compile page
command named --classes-file
) :
sencha compile
page -name=page1 -cla Page1.js -in Page1.php -out build/Page1.php and
page -name=page2 -cla Page2.js -in Page2.php -out build/Page2.php and
restore page1 and
concat -yui build/Page1.js and
restore page2 and
concat -yui build/Page2.js