
ZigBee Mesh VS DigiMesh

Which is better, ZigBee Mesh (Series 2) or DigiMesh (Series 1)?

I have already read Wireless Mesh Networking, ZigBee vs. DigiMesh (PDF format), but I noted there are many advantages of using DigiMesh, instead, I expected to read that Series 2 is better than Series 1 for all.


  • For mesh networking, which require a lot of ZigBee devices, it's advisable to use a ZigBee mesh. It requires lower power and can talk to any ZigBee device other that not come from Digi. Digi mesh is actually an extension for XBee series 1 with capability for mesh networking and cannot talk to any other Digi devices (as far as I know). The main purpose of XBee Series 1 is to doing point-to-point communication.