I tried to establish a communicating between two Xbee's as COORDINATOR and ROUTER, this works well in XCTU as they talk well with each other but when I connect De0 nano fpga board with the one Xbee and try to send a specific letter, eg A, I am not receiving (A) on the other end (coordinator).
I am Receiving Rand characters like ?, etc.
I am providing the links of the configuration done by me in these Xbees
Thanks in Advance
Have you verified that your serial code on the FPGA code is working correctly? Can you test it with another TTL-level serial device (like an FTDI TTL-232R)?
Are you using the correct baud rate for the XBee configuration (based on ATBD
Have you connected TX, RX, CTS, RTS and ground between the FPGA and the XBee?