
Jadira, Hibernate, and JSR 310 - java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type org.threeten.bp.Duration not present

I'm trying to get Jadira, Hibernate 4, and JSR-310 working together and I'm getting a really odd exception that I can't find any info on through scanning the web.

POM elements (related to Jadira/Joda)


Here's my test code:

@Table(name = "BUSINESS_DATES")
public class BizDate {

    private int bizDatePk = -1;

    private LocalDate bizDate;

    private BizDateTypeEnum bizDateTypeEnum;

    @Length(min = 5, max = 100)
    private String dateDesc;

    private LocalDateTime startTime;

    private LocalDateTime endTime;

<<Omitted getters/setters>>

Application Context:

<description>Application Context for Core Utilities</description>

<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" />

<context:component-scan base-package="org.jc.utils" />

<jpa:repositories base-package="org.jc.utils" />

<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="H2">
    <jdbc:script location="classpath:/org/jc/utils/basetests/basetests.sql" />

Does anyone have any idea why I keep getting java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type org.threeten.bp.Duration not present exceptions? Threeten isn't getting pulled in by the usertype declaration in Maven and there's not much out there about it's role in usertype.




  • Try after removing the following dependency in POM. It worked for me.
