
Where are some good resources for learning the new features of Perl 5.10?

I didn't realize until recently that Perl 5.10 had significant new features and I was wondering if anyone could give me some good resources for learning about those. I searched for them on Google and all I found was some slides and a quick overview. Some of the features (to me at least) would be nice if they had more explanation.

Any links would be appreciated.



  • There's been a string of articles in Perl Tips about Perl 5.10:

    There are also my What's new in Perl 5.10 slides on Perl Training Australia's presentations page, but since they were written before 5.10 was released, some things may have changed slightly. I believe that rjbs' Perl 5.10 for people who aren't totally insane now covers everything my slides used to.

    All the best,


    Mandatory bias disclosure: I wrote almost all of the resources mentioned in this post,