
Show hide div on sencha list item tap

I have created a list with the code given below it works fine now I want to show hide extraInfo Div on itemTap of the list. How can I Do that? Please help me

    xtype: 'list',
    scrollable: true,
    itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<div class="schedule">',
                                            '<div class="scheduleInfo">',
                                                '<div class="gameDate">',
                                                    '<div class="weekDay">{weekDay}</div>',
                                                    '<div class="day">{day}</div>',
                                                                                                '<div class="gameInfo">',
                                                        '<div class="timeLocation">',
                                                            '{time} / {location}',
                                            '<tpl if="hasExtraInfo === true">',
                                                '<div class="extraInfo">{extraInfo}</div>',
    store: 'Schedule',
    itemCls: 'scheduleListItem',
    flex : 1


  • Add an itemTap listener to your list. Then you can hide/show your div using its methods, or toggle a hiding CSS class like this:

        xtype: 'list',
        // ...
        listeners: {
            itemtap: function(list, index, target) {
                var div = target.element.down('.extraInfo');
                // avoid crashing for items with no extra info
                if (div) {