Before 2 weeks ago we were able to simulate negative testing but actually we can't test error condition (pending, error) in PayPal sandbox, the AdaptivePayment API response give always COMPLETED.
We followed this guide to set correctly our sandbox account, There are some problems with the new Developer environment.
Can someone tell some tips for testing negative conditions?
Advance Thanks
In order to enable correctly Negative Testing:
In order to trigger some particular error please check at this link the updated guide for Testing API error handling routines:
Use negative testing to trigger the following types of errors:
You can force two types of API errors: those related to the transaction amount, and those not related to the amount.
Note: Negative testing is available only in the Sandbox—you cannot force or simulate error conditions in the live PayPal environment. Negative testing can be used with Classic PayPal API versions 2.4 and later.