
Perl templates with inheritance

Exists in the Perl world any template system with template inheritance?

Just checked in the wikipedia Comparison_of_web_template_engines (really incomplete list) - and here isn't listed any.

Inheritance = Supports the ability to inherit a layout from a parent template, separately overriding arbitrary sections of the parent template's content.

Mean something like python's Jinja2:

   {% block content %}
   <!-- the content go here -->
   {% endblock %}

{% extends "body.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}

rendering hi.html gives


Don't looking for exact Jinja2 syntax, simply looking for any template engine from the perl world what supports inheritance. (not only plain includes - like Template::Toolkit)

Asking here because searching CPAN is a pain for words like "template inheritance" - shows thousands modules what not related to this question.

Ps: ... and it shouldn't be something like embedded perl - should be "user editable" allowing users builds own templates without compromise a whole system - therefore can't use Mason or HTML::Mason)


  • I'll second the suggestion for Text::Xslate. Its syntax is even quite similar to your Jinja2 examples:

    In layouts/main.tx:

    <div id="page">
      : block sidebar -> { }
      <div id="content">
        : block header-> { <h1>Default Title</h1> }
        : block content -> { }

    In another template:

    : cascade layouts::main
    : override header -> {
    <div id="header">
    : }
    : override content -> {
    <div id="content-body">
    : }