I am aware that I have to structure my xmlrpc query like this:
ids = execute(dbname, uid, pwd, model, 'search', args)
fields = ['field_a', 'field_b', 'field_c']
elements = execute(dbname, uid, pwd, model, 'read', ids, fields)
I need help on structuring the args
parameter in order to fetch a list of available elements from these models:
and Purchases->Suppliers
Sales->Sales Orders
Accounting->Customer Invoices
and Purchases->Purchase Orders
Each model fetch request should return all the ids that belong to a given company id.
My answer at OpenERP Q & A, and by Martin H. Bramwell. Mine follows:
I see a lot of articles all over the internet talking about how to use xmlrpc on OpenERP 7 and all of them seem to be based on the xmlrpc documentation from the OpenERP 6.
Although not too sure, I think the xmlrpc docs from v6 is mostly outdated for v7.
For starters, there are new methods and endpoints on v7. They are:
Method read | /web/dataset/search_read
Method authenticate | /web/session/authenticate
Method get_session_info | /web/session/get_session_info
Method destroy | /web/session/destroy
For those like me interested in implementing a php app, I found this very handy library called php-oe-json hosted at github.
Here are some examples on how to retrieve data from OpenERP 7 using php-oe-json
$oe = new PhpOeJson\OpenERP('http://localhost:8069', 'database_name');
$oe->login('admin', 'pwd');
// Get a list of records from a model.
$products = $oe->read(array(
'model' => 'product.product',
'fields' => array('name', 'id'),
'limit' => 20,
// XXXvlab: bug of openerp 7.0+ which will default domain to "None" if not set, and
// override of ``_search`` doesn't support ``None`` value.
'domain' => array(),
echo '<pre>';
// Get a single record from a model.
$so = $oe->read(array(
'model' => 'sale.order',
'fields' => array('name', 'id'),
'limit' => FALSE,
'domain' => array(array('company_id', '=', 1), array('name', '=', 'SO002')),