Anticipating possible future issues, I decided to use Java-based Jackrabbit implementation (since it's the system with the highest performance according to the Symfony CMF docs) for the storage purposes. For the portal I'm developing I use at the moment Symfony CMF with PHPCR content repository feature + some related tables in a standard RDBMS (MySQL).
Unfortunetely I have a very little knowledge and almost none practical experience on content repository systems. So here's my question:
When using Jackrabbit
from within Symfony CMF app, am I able to access the stored content (being Document objects as seeing from PHPCR-ODM
) from other solutions than PHPCR-ODM - say, from Java Spring app?
In other words, if I wanted at some stage switch to Java, and not touching the storage (Jackrabbit / MySQL), but just creating Java equivalent Documents, would I able to do this? Or I need to do some more work like exporting the database, and then make some work with importing it again to e.g. mentioned Java based solution?
yes, you can access the content from java without having to change the content. we even did a proof of concept to read data from Magnolia and Adobe CQ via PHPCR ODM.