
Perl using find in qx

III am writing a Perl script that will need to SSH out to numerous remote servers to perform some gzipping of log files. In the following line, I keep receiving this error and am struggling to determine what's causing this. The error I'm getting is;

bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
bash: -c: line 0: `cd /appdata/log/cdmbl/logs/; echo cd /appdata/log/cdmbl/logs/; find . -type f ( -iname '*' ! -iname '*.gz' ) -mmin +1440 ;; exit 0'

And of course, as you can tell by the error, the line I am trying to write is;

my $id = qx{ssh -q $cur_host "cd $log_path; echo cd $log_path; find . -type f \( -iname '*' ! -iname '*.gz' \) -mmin +1440 \;; exit 0"};

Am I overlooking something here that is causing the unexpected token '(' issue I am receiving?

NOTE: I removed the -exec from find just so I could see if I can get past this issue first.



  • You need to backslash the parentheses for the shell. Using single backslash in double quotes is not enough, Perl removes the backslash. Use double backslash \\(.