I'm tasked with replicating a production environment to create many test/sit environments.
One of the things I need to do is build up Perl, with all the modules which have been installed (including internal and external modules) over the years. I could just use CPAN.pm autobundle, but this will result in the test environment having much newer versions of the external modules that production has.
What is the easiest/best way to get and install (a lot of) version specific Perl modules.
Make your own CPAN mirror with exactly what you want.
The CPAN tools only install the latest version of any distribution because PAUSE only indexes the latest version. However, you can create your own, private CPAN that has exactly the distributions that you want. Once you have your own CPAN mirror with only what you want, you point your CPAN tools at only that mirror so it only installs those versions. More on that in a minute.
Now, you want to have several versions of that. You can create as many mirrors as you like, and you can also put the mirrors in source control so you can check out any version of the mirror that you like.
Tools such as CPAN::Mini::Inject can help you set up your own CPAN. Check out my talks on Slideshare for the basic examples, and some of my videos on Vimeo for some of the demonstrations. Look at anything that has "CPAN" or "BackPAN" in the title. I think I might have some stuff about it in The Perl Review too, or should by the next issue. :)
Lately, I've been working on a program called dpan (for DarkPAN) that can look at random directories, find Perl distributions in them, and create the structure and index files that you need. You run dpan, you get a URL to point your CPAN client toward, and off you go. It's part of my MyCPAN-Indexer project, which is in Github. It's not quite ready for unsupervised public use because I mostly work with corporate clients to customize their setup. If you're interested in that, feel free to ask me questions though.
Also, I recently released CPAN::PackageDetails that can help you build the right index file. It's still a bit young too, but again, if you need something special, just ask.