
How to maintain state of page with tabs on browser refresh

In ExtJs, what is the best way to handle Browser refresh?

Say, I've a page with two tabs A and B and the token when tab A is active is #mytoken/:someidforA and the token when tab B is actibe is #mytoken/:someidforB

How do we ensure that the page stays in the same tab when we refresh the browser?

I'm doing something like this using Router in ExtJs5

window.onbeforeunload = function() {
    token = // get history token

and inside the ViewControllers -

routes: {
    "#mytoken/:someidforA" : "loadA",
    "#mytoken/:someidforB" : "loadB" 


Is this a good way to do it?


  • I would personally use the documented routes


    Ext.define('MyApp.view.main.MainController', {
        extend : 'Ext.app.ViewController',
        routes : {
            'user/:id' : 'onUser'
        onUser : function(id) {

    You can also define the default route with the defaultToken property:

    defaultToken : 'home'

    It seems like you are already using some of these features. If the URL is something like example.com/#user/4 then on page refresh the application can handle this route as it previously did and show the same page/section.

    To restore all the tabs that were open before refresh you'd probably have to look at using something like localstorage to keep state across page refreshes