I want to create a Zimbra account when ever user signup in my application. is there any SOAP/REST calls for doing this job in Zimbra.
Please let me know if there are any other ways.
A SOAP account creation request should look like that :
<CreateAccountRequest name="{account-name}" password="{account-password}"> ## CreateAccountRequest
(<a n="{key}" /> ## Attr)*
contains the full Zimbra account name : uid@domain.com
If you don't specifiy a password
, the user won't be able to log in. (The password can be set later anyways).
tag allows you to send some optionals attributes.
Example :
<CreateAccountRequest xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
<a n="givenName">John</a>
<a n="sn">Doe</a>
<a n="displayName">John Doe</a>
<a n="zimbraCOSId">The CoS id comes here.</a>
Documentation : Zimbra SOAP requests