
Retina 4 2x is never used for iPhone 5 simulator in Xcode 6.2 image asset

I'm using Device Specific in one of my image sets (image0) and having 3 images for 2x, Retina 4 2x and 3x.

iPhone 6 Plus simulator uses the 3x and iPhone 4/4s uses the 2x.

The problem is that iPhone 5/5s simulator never uses the Retina 4 2x (green one in the screen shot below)

These are the resolutions: 2x: 640 x 960 Retina 4 2x: 640 x 1136 3x: 1242 x 2208

enter image description here


I tried as per the suggestion below to set the image in IB but it still selects the 2x version!

enter image description here


  • It's because your project's deployment target is set to 6.0. Retina 4 images won't be used on iPhone 5 for iOS pre 7.0.

    Change the deployment target to 7.0 or above and the correct image will be used when you run in the simulator (even if not reflected in IB).

    deployment target
