
Perl sigdie handler and eval

I am overriding my SIG die handler as below inside my Logger module.

# Catch die messages and log them with logdie
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&logdie;

Now below program run as expected and post processing will be called.

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path;
# use MyLogger;

my $dir="/random";
eval {
  # local $SIG{__DIE__};
if($@) {
 warn("Cannot create $dir :$@ \n");
print "Post processing \n";

However, if i include my logger module and add use MyLogger the code fails inside eval statment with below error and post processing is not called.

[ERROR] 2015/04/27 22:19:07> mkdir /random: Permission denied at ./ line 11.

One option to fix this to add a local sigdie handle (as shown in commented code).

However, my logger module is used by many scripts.

Is there a way to modify my Logger module so that it supresses ERROR message when called from inside eval block ?


  • The $^S indicates whether the current execution point is inside of an eval block:

    $^S         State
    ---------   -------------------------------------
    undef       Parsing module, eval, or main program
    true (1)    Executing an eval
    false (0)   Otherwise

    So it sounds like you want to check whether $^S is true at the beginning of your __DIE__ handler:

    package MyLogger;
    sub logdie {
        $^S && die $_[0];    # use default die handler
        ...                  # else use custom die handler