I am using bosh-lite to try out cloud foundry. I have two deployments:
$ bosh deployments
| Name | Release(s) | Stemcell(s) |
| cf-services-contrib | cf-services-contrib/6 | bosh-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent/389 |
| cf-warden | cf/203 | bosh-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent/389 |
Each of these deployments contains several virtual machines (as can be seen by bosh vms
The current deployment is set the following:
$ bosh deployment
Current deployment is `[...]/cf-services-contrib-release/tmp/contrib-services-warden-manifest.yml'
I can ssh into vms in that selected deployment with the command bosh ssh
, but I cannot ssh into any other vm. How do I change the selected deployment?
I tried bosh deployment cf/203
, and also by passing the absolute path to the cf-release/releases/cf-203.yml file.
Your latter suggestion should work:
bosh deployment path/to/manifest.yml
bosh ssh