this question is targeted towards coderush users. I am trying to recover from a bad surgery and bought an online tutorial on how to convert old wpf apps to the new modern style(metro).
The instructor on video has Resharper installed, where I have coderush. In resharper everything seems to be done automatically. Namespaces in xaml are entered by R#, colors are shown not by name but by color. In my old coderush nothing was working.
So i thought my old expired version is finally outdated. I had version 12. Devexpress is very generous to offer a 30 day trial! so i updated! But alas, the same!
Its very annoying, especially trying to pick a color and instead seeing the real color you see a few dozen names..
So, are there any settings i can fiddle with??? to make this tool more assisting???
It works fine in XAML. The color picker in CodeRush supports all supported languages.
You have to click the color swatch which appears underneath the color name.