
Getting started with the sport of competitive programming

How do you get started with competitive programming and get well versed with various topics in it ? What all things you can do ? Get started directly or do some concepts first.


  • This is a very popular question on Quora, but is generally considered off-topic for Stack Overflow. The best way to use SO for competitive programming advice is to ask specific questions about problems you're having when coding a solution. For example, you might ask how a language feature works. Often you'll find that the question has already been asked.

    Here are the 108+ Quora answers to your question:

    The summary answer is: Get started solving problems. If you have any programming background, which I'm sure you do since you're asking this question, you'll get more benefit from just starting rather than reading a lot first. When you get stuck on something, that's the time to read books or online resources.

    If you're having trouble deciding what to start on, here's a suggestion from my blog of how I would get started: