I am trying to use the foursqaure API via the HTTP requests. So I send a http request looking similar to this ->
I get one massive JSON object with a bunch of data and inside the data I find the photos Prefix and suffix.
My problem is when I try and use the &venuePhoto=1.
I get a prefix and suffix for what seems to be 1 picture in the following form.
prefix: "https://irs1.4sqi.net/img/general/"
suffix: "/63892328_N0A_9qgk0N30lHiqDWIRtNb-0YfO84BIxHc9SP7h4rY.jpg"
I can not seem to get this string to get me the picture. If I put them together even without one of the "/" slashes it still does not give me a picture.I have already tried a whole bunch of things.
I thought adding this option to the request URL I can void using the photo part of the api and get everything in 1 go. AM I missing something? Should I be using some other part of the API to get the pictures.?
You need to specify the size of image.
prefix + "100x100" + suffix
e.g. https://irs1.4sqi.net/img/general/100x100/63892328_N0A_9qgk0N30lHiqDWIRtNb-0YfO84BIxHc9SP7h4rY.jpg
See also Foursquare API document
To assemble a resolvable photo URL, take prefix + size + suffix, e.g. https://irs0.4sqi.net/img/general/300x500/2341723_vt1Kr-SfmRmdge-M7b4KNgX2_PHElyVbYL65pMnxEQw.jpg.
size can be one of the following, where XX or YY is one of 36, 100, 300, or 500.
- original: the original photo's size
- capXX: cap the photo with a width or height of XX (whichever is larger). Scales the other, - smaller dimension proportionally
- widthXX: forces the width to be XX and scales the height proportionally
- heightYY: forces the height to be YY and scales the width proportionally