
How do I use a variable in another Perl script?

I know how to use a variable from one package to another in Perl. I am trying to use a global variable declared in in another Perl script I am using require to load the perl file.

use strict;
use warnings;

out $db_name;   #global variable to be used in another script


sub fun
$db_name = 'xxyy';

require '';    #require is used to include the perl script like we use "use" for importing packages
my $database = $db_name;    #global variable from previous script
use strict;
use warnings;


sub testing
print "$database\n";


  • You need to declare the variables with our in both scripts.

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    our ( $foo );
    $foo = 'bar';
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    our ( $foo );
    require '';
    print $foo; # bar

    Your script starts out in the main package because there is no package declaration. When you require a script that has no package in it, all the code will be loaded at the point where the require statement is. It will end up in the same package as the require line. So what's in also ends up in the main package of the same Perl instance.

    our declares a package variable. That means it's available as $foo inside of your package, and it's visible outside. And that is the trick here.

    Stuff that is declared with my $bar inside of the will end up in its own scope when the file is required, so the outer scope cannot see that variable. But if you make it a package variable, it will be put into the package namespace, which is bigger.

    We declare the package variable our $foo first, and then require ''. Inside of the other script, we do our $foo again, so there is no $foo used only once warning. The value of 'bar' will end up in the package $foo (which is actually $main::foo, or $::foo if you ommit the name of the package. From there, it will be accessed later when printing $foo.

    The order of the our and require doesn't really matter. But if you use globals, it makes sense to stick to some conventions, like listing all the global variables at the top of the script.

    A word of advice: while this stuff seems to be easy, it is pretty outdated. Of course it works for small things, but it is hard to maintain. Only use this stuff in legacy applications if it's already there and rewriting is too costly. You know about packages already. Use them instead!