I want to run openerp 7 and odoo 8 on a single machine simultaneously in windows operating system. I tried with changing port numbers and user name,but it didn't work out. So is there any way to do this?
We can run two OpenERP/Odoo version in different OS with --xmlrpc-port=port_number
Where port_number will indicate number.
We can also do like that, create two postgres users.
Now create two system users:
Configure OpenERP/Odoo's core module with proper user.
Start your server with --xmlrpc-port=9999
You may give any number their. I gave 9999, so i will run in browser like
If you don't want to create two postgres user than you may also start server with different port with above example.
Module path will be same but port number is different otherwise it will throw error like "address is already in use"