Is there any possibility in Sesame to check if a Predicate (URI), is w3c standard predicate(RDFS predicates for example) like RDF.TYPE or is included in RDF vocabulary?
You can just compare the namespace part of the IRI to the vocabulary namespace, like so:
IRI predicate = ... ; // predicate you want to check
switch (predicate.getNamespace()) {
// it's an RDF predicate
// it's an RDFS predicate
... etc
Of course this won't tell you if the predicate actually exists as part of the RDF/RDFS vocabulary - it merely tells you that its namespace part corresponds. So if your predicate is some made-up property, e.g.
, it will also conclude it's part of the RDF namespace: it doesn't verify if the foobar
property actually exists in that namespace.
Check the API Javadoc for a complete overview of all property constants in the RDF and RDFS vocabularies.