
Why is touch event triggered even when I touch outside the sprite?

I have a ui::ScrollView containing a number of sprites.

I have created each sprite and added a touch listener to each sprite by doing something like:

for(int i=0; i < 5; i++){
    Sprite* foo = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("foo");

    auto listener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
    listener->onTouchBegan = [this,somestring](Touch* touch, Event* event){
        ......some code
    listener->onTouchMoved = [foo,this,somestring](Touch* touch, Event* event){
        ......some code
    listener->onTouchEnded = [foo,this,somestring](Touch* touch, Event* event){
        ......some code

The problem is, if I click ANYWHERE on screen, it seems to trigger the touch events of ALL the sprites created in the loop. Is there something incorrect in how I am creating the listener, or does it have to do with some conflict with touches in a ui::ScrollView ?

I am using v 3.10


  • Because that is how TouchListener works in cocos2d-x. All touch listener will be called unless someone has swallowed the touch event. Your code would be:

    auto touchSwallower = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
    touchSwallower ->setSwallowed(true);
    touchSwallower->onTouchBegan = [](){ return true;};
    getEventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(touchSwallower ,scrollview);
    for(int i=0; i < 5; i++){
        Sprite* foo = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("foo");
        auto listener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
        listener->onTouchBegan = [this,somestring](Touch* touch, Event* event){
            ......some code
           Vec2 touchPos = myScrollView->convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch);
           return foo->getBoundingBox()->containsPoint(touchPos);
        listener->onTouchMoved = [foo,this,somestring](Touch* touch, Event* event){
            ......some code
        listener->onTouchEnded = [foo,this,somestring](Touch* touch, Event* event){
            ......some code