I have some problems with a following route:
// from("cxf:....")...
from("direct:start").process(startRequestProcessor) // STEP 1
.split(body()) // STEP 2
.bean(TypeMapper.class) // STEP 3
.log("Goes to DynamicRouter:: routeByTypeHeader with header: ${headers.type}")
.recipientList().method(Endpoint1DynamicRouter.class, "routeByTypeHeader") // STEP 4
from("direct:endpoint2") // STEP 6
.log("Goes to DynamicRouter::routeByCollectionHeader with header: ${headers.collection}")
.recipientList().method(Endpoint2DynamicRouter.class, "routeByCollectionHeader")
from("direct:endpoint1.1") // STEP 5
.process(new DateRangeProcessor())
from("direct:endpoint1.2") // STEP 5
.process(new SingleProcessor())
from("direct:endpoint2.2") // STEP 7
.aggregate(header("collection" /** endpoint2.2 */), CollectionAggregationStrategy)
.process(new QueryBuilderProcessor())
.bean(MyService, "getDbCriteria")
.setHeader("collection", constant("endpoint2.1"))
from("direct:endpoint2.1") // STEP 8
.aggregate(header("collection" /** endpoint2.1 */), CollectionAggregationStrategy)
.process(new QueryBuilderProcessor())
.bean(MyRepository, "findAll")
.log("ResponseData: ${body}").
The route
I can see valid response object in debugger but anyway I get an error:
No message body writer has been found for class java.util.HashSet, ContentType: application/json
The problem is not in response object as it works with other routes and it does not contain HashSets.
My guess is that route sends to the output the HashSet created tat STEP 1...
My questions are:
both recipientList() try to forward messages to invalid endpoint ( I have to use .ignoreInvalidEndpoints() to avoid exception):
org.apache.camel.NoSuchEndpointException: No endpoint could be found for: org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.query.Criteria@20f55e70, please check your classpath contains the needed Camel component jar.
Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.
I find it very strange, but .aggregate() function does not reply exchange. It uses you aggregation strategy but always reply incoming exchange. This is not clear when reading documentation, but you have to use aggregation strategy along with split() to be able to return exchange.